

She stood in front of the door, she wore a white uniform, her hair was slightly scattered, she looked sick, she look like a person with a mental condition, her lips were dry, she parted her lips and licked her lips to avoid it from breaking. Her eye makeup were all over her face, it looked like she cried for hours.

She finally got a chance to speak to Alice, the doctor told her the only way to connect to Alice is to be like Alice, she had to become a mad woman to speak to one and understand one, the doctor warned her, he gave her warning not to trigger Alice, not to make her mad. He told Emily not be call Sara’s name, she should always address Sara as witch, she shouldn’t make the mistake of asking Alice about her parents, school or about her childhood.

The only thing that was separating her from Alice was the door, the door opened making a squeaking sound, there was Alice laying down on the floor, singing. Singing what only she could unde
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