I love him


She sat on the floor. She has been here for four years, the doctor said they finally took care of her anti personality disorder, but she still wasn’t fully recovered she still had to stay in the asylum because she still had Schizophrenia and when the bullet hit her it damaged her brain a little, which made her forget about some little things about her past.

The doctors confirmed the nightmares she had before was all because of her Schizophrenia, she imagined stuffs and confused all in her head, she took her imagination as reality which gave her night mares.

The Schizophrenia made her imagine Zack all the time. The doctors believed she still can’t be left alone, since she is still in a state where by she can be used by any criminal minded person because of her Schizophrenia which could be deadly. But for the past three years she got better, her Schizophrenia started to get better but still any wrong move it could get worse.

She was getting

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