Chapter 2: Comforting

Three days had passed since the incident that trapped them in the game.

Exhausted and unable to access the house system, people resorted to sleeping under trees and on the grass. The developer, Kuudere Dev, had thought it was a brilliant idea to lock the home system behind a level requirement, much to the frustration of the players.

Almost 500 lives had been lost, a grim reminder of the dangers lurking in this virtual world. Amidst the chaos, Lockheart and Daemon continued their arduous grind, tirelessly hunting wolves in the forest to level up. Sleep deprivation had taken its toll on them, but they pressed on.

Lockheart, weary and desperate, finally spoke up. "Daemon, how many more wolves do we need to kill? I'm exhausted..."

"Stop complaining, Lockheart! We'll stop when we reach level 20. Don't distract me when you're not even pulling your weight!" Daemon snapped back, his frustration evident.

Lockheart cast a spell, sending a green light towards a wolf and inflicting damage. However, the wolf retaliated, and Lockheart screamed in fear. Acting swiftly, Daemon positioned himself in front of Lockheart and struck the wolf, forcing it to retreat.

"You're just a support class, Lockheart. Your role is to heal and buff me while I do the heavy lifting. That's how it works," Daemon asserted, his tone dismissive.

Lockheart sighed, her disappointment palpable. "If it's such a problem, I can change my class."

Daemon let out a frustrated sigh. "It's locked until level 50."

Lockheart's frustration grew. "Why does everything have to be level locked? We don't even have a house! What kind of lousy game design is this?"

Rolling his eyes, Daemon retorted, "Did you seriously join this game just for the house system? That's such a stereotypical move, yikes."

As the battle continued, Daemon urged Lockheart to use her combo skills, maximizing their efficiency. Their coordination paid off, and they swiftly dispatched multiple wolves.

"See, Lockheart? With the power of teamwork—" Daemon began, but was interrupted by Lockheart's urgent warning.

"Daemon, behind you!"

Confused, Daemon turned around just in time to be knocked down by a wolf. He winced in pain as Lockheart checked their experience points needed to level up.

"We need to kill three more wolves," Lockheart informed him, her voice filled with concern.

Daemon hurled his sword at the approaching wolf, and together they leveled up. Taking a moment to recover, Daemon explained, "Wolves give 100 EXP per kill. You need to be aware of these details, Lockheart."

Lockheart grumbled, "How do you even know all of this?"

"I've been reading the game's guides and tutorials, despite their lackluster presentation," Daemon admitted. "We're stuck in this game, Lockheart. We need to make the best of it, and knowing the mechanics is essential."

Lockheart sank to the ground, overwhelmed by the situation. Daemon, empathetic to her despair, knelt beside her and gently patted her back.

"I'm sorry," he offered sincerely.

"I miss my friends," Lockheart confessed, her voice filled with longing.

Daemon struggled to find comforting words. "I understand... We've been alone together for a week now, and it's been tough. But right now, survival is our priority. There are other players out there who might pose a threat, so we need to stick together."

Anger flickered in Lockheart's eyes. "So that's why you've been arguing with me?"

Daemon's head hung low in shame. "I... I just shared my thoughts without considering how it would affect you."

Lockheart's glare intensified. "Beyond that, why are you so composed when... when you're far from the people you love?"

Daemon fidgeted nervously. "Don't mistake my calmness for indifference. I'm just trying to hide my emotions from others. I'm not like... well, you know..."

Lockheart's sobs echoed through the forest. "Stop with your gender stereotypes!"

Realizing his insensitivity, Daemon quickly apologized. "I'm sorry. I spoke without thinking."

Lockheart's gaze remained fixed on him. "If you ever talk like that again, I'm leaving the party."

"Please don't," Daemon pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation. "Look, everyone feels the same way as you do. Just think back to how everyone reacted when Kuudere Dev announced the incident."

Lockheart's frown softened slightly. "You have a point."

"Try to adjust to this new reality," Daemon suggested gently. "For now, let's focus on grinding and finding some enjoyment in this world. Maybe we're in a hospital somewhere, with VR devices attached to our heads and loved ones by our side. It's frightening, but it could also provide some solace to think that way."

Surprised by Daemon's unexpectedly wise words, Lockheart looked at him with a newfound appreciation. "Thank you."

Daemon grinned and winked. "And besides, everyone I care about is still just an anime dimension away... So don't worry about that."

Rolling her eyes, Lockheart couldn't help but smile. "I can't believe I just poured my heart out to an otaku neet."

Daemon feigned offense. "Hey!"

As they shared a moment of lightheartedness in the midst of their struggles, a sense of camaraderie began to grow between them. Despite their differences, they realized that supporting each other was crucial in this virtual world. With renewed determination, they stood up and prepared to face the challenges ahead, their bond strengthened by understanding and acceptance.

Together, Lockheart and Daemon ventured deeper into the forest, ready to confront the trials of their new reality, one step at a time.

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