4 || Friends, Not Lovers.

Bulchewski High School.

Chloe's POV.

"Ouch!" I shouted and turned to see who hit my head. It was Jordan.

"Why did you have to get all riled up? One would think you are a part of the Whalians." He sat on the table in front of me. "Or the LGBTQ," Mabel spoke up from her seat with a sneer.

I clenched my fist and gritted, trying my possible best to fight back the wrath that was surging within me.

"Calm down, Chloe." Mitch placed his hands on my shoulders and massaged me. "Don't let her get to you okay?" He said overly sweetly.

I forced myself not to gag. Every day I grew more and more tired of this guy. 'Go away!' is what I wished to say but instead, I remained silent.

My classmates "awwed" and teased us and I heard him chuckle behind me.

"God! Am I a spoon?" Betty called from her seat as she stared straight at us. "When will someone love me the way Mitch loves Chloe?" She swooned dramatically.

"Betty, my love! Your face is the most beautiful here, no, in the entire school! And your heart- the biggest of all." Caleb sang as he approached her. "Your derriere, just as big and your bosom-" He paused. "Well, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. And so I will make do with what you have." He ended with a wink.

She threw her textbook at him but he dodged it. "N-no? You don't like it?"

"YOU CALLED MY-" She stopped herself and scowled at him instead. "God, can you send someone else to me other than this annoying guy?" She cried out and the class laughed.

Mitch bent down and I forced myself to look at him without grimacing. "Do you mind taking your shirt off?"

"What??" I shifted away from her.

"OOOUUU" The class chorused and I groaned internally.

"WowMitch, you are certainly bold." James stared at her in amazement.

"Stop it! I just want better access to her shoulders so I can massage them better, she has a shirt underneath." He pointed out.

"That won't be necessary, move." Jordan pushed him aside and I heaved a relieved sigh.

"Damn, Jordan just marked his territory." Liza giggled.

"What territory?" Rachel asked as she entered our class. Jordan’s grip on my shoulders tightened, almost breaking the bones.

"R-Rachel." He stuttered and took his hands off me quickly.

I winced in pain and held the spot. "You can't break my bones because of Rachel, Jordan!" I whisper-yelled, still caressing the spot.

He smacked me and I yelped, the spot did hurt. "Stop being a wuss!" He glared at me.

"Was I interrupting something?" Rachel asked, his deep voice cutting through the mildly noisy classroom.

"You came right on time!" Liza answered as she came closer to us. "Mitch was just being his usual loving self, taking care of his lover, Chloe when Jordan stepped in and sent him away." She smirked.

"I mean it is quite obvious what's going on here," Caleb spoke up from his end of the classroom. "Jordan and Chloe like each other but Mitch is dense and wants to come between them."

"Fuck you, Caleb, you're the dense one!" Mitch spat with the sharpest glare I have seen yet and the class burst into a fit of laughter.

Rachel opened her mouth but closed it back without uttering a word. The dummy has liked Jordan for the longest of times.

"For the umpteenth time, Jordan and I are just friends." I quickly dismissed it and I saw her shoulders relax.

"Then.. you're playing both Jordan and Mitch?" Betty gasped and pushed her glasses up. "You don't strike me as a playgirl." She looked at me disapprovingly.

"Chloe never said she liked either one of them, it's their fault if they believe she does." Rachel finally spoke but turned to leave right after.

These two idiots like each other but they don’t know how to go about it. Rachel wouldn’t admit she does and Jordan wouldn’t either!

She missed a step and Jordan was quick to catch her. I smiled as they stared at each other.

"Are you okay?" Jordan asked with a small frown.

"Y-yeah... I am." She flushed and the class started teasing them.

Edward's POV.

"I can't believe you fucking missed that!" Michael pushed Hunter.

"Shut up?? You would have too if you were in my position!" Hunter pushed him back.

Chris pushed them apart. "Go fight elsewhere, don't need you bozos scaring off the girls." He fell on the grass next to me with a heavy thud.

"Dude, you didn't tell me you were serving brain juice today." Michael sat down next to him.

"What??" He stared at him confused, I was hella confused too if I'm being completely honest.

"You almost cracked your skull open just now, didn't you? I heard the thud all the way from there."

"I heard it too." Hunter agreed and sat next to me.

"Nah, I'm good. My skull's pretty thick." Chris waved them off with a proud smile.

"You're not wrong." Hunter snickered. "Why else would you take last every single time?" He jested.

"Cause nothing gets through him." Michael guffawed.

"You guys are just as bad!" Chris glared at them and I laughed.

"What's funny Edward? We share the same spot." Chris reminded me and the idiots broke into fits of laughs while I scowled.

"Umm, hi- you were really great on the field today. I love how you play." A junior student stood in front of me shyly. "Here, I hope you like this."

I smiled politely and took the box from her. "Thank you." I winked with a smile and she ran off smiling.

The bell rang, recess was over.

"What do we have now?" Hunter asked as he stretched.

"Maths," Michael answered and we groaned simultaneously.

"Skip?" Chris suggested.

"Skip." We agreed uniformly.

"Okay!" He clapped and stood up swiftly. "Let's go smoke then." He grinned.

"Last one to get there has to do all our maths homework!" Hunter announced suddenly and took off running with Chris and Michael hot on his tail.

I chuckled as I watched the three idiots run. "Stop!!" I shouted and ran after them

I bumped into a suited man. “I am so sorry sir, I didn’t mean to.” I apologised as I brought him to his feet.

“F-fine.” He forced and continued walking.

I grabbed his arm, respectfully. “Sir, you’re bleeding.” He had a cut on his palm. “The school nurse can help with that if you’d like?”

“No.” He shrugged me off. “Leave me be.” He forced and resumed his business.

He was odd, the way he spoke and walked was unusual but I didn’t do anything about it. He continued to the mildly hidden building. That’s where Chloe is, I wonder what she was up to right about now. Probably paying attention, unlike me.

The bet! I groaned as I ran.

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