Chapter 79 || The Celebration Never Ends
At the table, there was jubilation, and the topics of the conversation centred on Palani Hills. After the night's adventures, steaming oat pancakes and eggs welcomed a sharp-set Rachna and Kabir. While Rachna was devouring her eggs, she thought of a passing idea, which she voiced.

"Guys, I want to propose something while we are all here, including Suman." Everyone turned their heads. "I want to arrange a giant picnic for all of us at the Palani site. You know, to celebrate that we are all here as a family. As a united team, not only for work purposes but for lucrative too. Let's treat this time as a holiday."

Urmi quickly chimed in. "Why not? We should all contribute to the cooking to give Suman a rest," she turned to Suman, sitting at the corner of the table. "This would also be our way of thanking you, bahu."

Suman blushed at the attention. "That would be wonderful! I'll let Bhavi know today, and we can all congregate alongside the workers for the picnic. Tomorrow would be ideal n
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