Chapter 8: Then So be It

Well couldn't help but think of the last statement that Joross had said. "Things are different here in New Bill. You need a lot of friends. And once you start your day at West Burge, you'll understand why." The way it sounded to Well, it seemed like it was some kind of a warning. Or a threat. Or anything that would really cause his heart beat to skyrocket.

"All right, I will try my best. But I will tell you in advance, I am really not good at making friends," Well told Joross as they started to cross the pedestrian lane just in front of The Mansion building. "I don't even know how to initiate the first move," he added by the time they reached the other end of the road.

"It doesn't really matter. You don't have to make the first move. Actually, you don't even need to say anything first in order to be discovered. You just have to be yourself, smile when other people smile at you, and then there you have it. The upclass are friendly people. More often than not, they are usually the fir
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