Chapter 8: Leave It or Life?

The assistant secretary of state then spoke up in the video.

"Perhaps by the time we arrive on Earth, Earth's civilization will have far surpassed ours."

"Because the location of our civilization is now known, Earth's interstellar fleet could attack our planet to avoid future dangers." But, of course, before anything bad happens, our civilization will be overrun by Earth creatures."

The bright future had suddenly turned bleak, and the hall fell silent for a brief moment.

All of the Trikomunika remained silent and thought.

"How can humans progress so quickly?" Opie Aladine stated.

"Of course, if their only goal is to pursue technology, this is impossible." Of course, this race has a lot of potential," Ray Wilson said.

"I believe that every human being has potential, but it is up to each individual to decide whether or not to develop." Kiko responded.

"As long as we're alive, we've got a chance?" As we have always recognized, every race has the potential to develop." said one of the robot civilization's creatures.

"But it's impossible," said one of the plant civilization's leaders.

"To be honest, I still have my doubts because I believe human civilization is rapidly expanding, even after it has defeated the Trikomunika civilization." But why do they continue to fear the Trikomunika civilization?"

Looking at this video, it is clear that the universe does not want civilization's latest developments.

But, given the advancement of human technology, why should Trikomunika civilization triumph over human civilization?

What exactly is going on?

Maybe this is the solution to all of his problems.

The video resumed playing.

Now the deep voice could be heard.

The people from three dimensions began to debate for a long time until he finally discovered a way to destroy human technology.

How can human technology be destroyed?

The civilizations in Heaven became interested and curious after hearing those words.

But can a Tricommunic civilization start wiping out human technology?

The majority of the universe in Heaven is still inhabited by ordinary humans, but there are also civilizations with minimal technology, which piques your interest.

As the saints and kings rose to the top, their curiosity grew even stronger.

The presence of holy people in the universe appears to prove it with other systems and will most likely have nothing to do with technology, though they are becoming interested in the means of technological civilization.

Although, in the eyes of the saints and kings who appear evil, technology is meaningless.

They believe that with technology, a planet will continue to evolve indefinitely.

In a video, the Trikomunika civilization's leader can be seen speaking slowly.

"What we need to do now is contain the most recent developments in Earth civilization."

"We have already decided on a plan since deciding to receive the first stage of information. However, there are a few things to keep in mind: one of the messages we're receiving today is from a traitor to Earth's civilization. So the reason for guessing is simple, and it can be said that there are some foreign powers within Earth civilization, which we must take advantage of for the time being."

"It is easier said than done to be the head of state. Please keep in mind that our relationship with Earth civilization is tenuous, but it took approximately 100,000 hours to complete the response." one of the three-dimensional deputy heads of state said.

"In this case, it's the same as knowing that there is a civilization other than our own. Of course, this is one of society's major challenges; it will also have a broad impact on civilization. As a result, the possibility can occur at any time in order to predict foreign powers in Earth civilization in the future."

"What should they do now?" Should it be destroyed?"

"What should they do now? Will you destroy it?"

"Of course, if war or other negative things happen within 50,000 hours, this can be a separate strategy for them. If that amount of time is sufficient to halt the development of the planet. Then that's what we'll do; who knows if it will kill them. But please explain the three plans that will be developed in collaboration with Science Harden."

The first strategy was codenamed 'Leave It.' The name "Life" is then given to the second project. The presence of this plan is expected to be able to construct a fictitious universe that cannot be said logically to be with 'life' activities. This illusion, especially if it lasts forever, will undoubtedly bring the tricommunika civilization to life. It can become an object of worship for a religious adherent, so that there will be people on Earth who think scientifically and non-scientifically.

"But how did life begin?"

"Then explain how life can continue even though every creature on other planets will perish. Should we be able to learn a foreign technology on this planet? But can they pull it off?"

"This is actually too risky, but who will get the technology? It's still difficult to predict!"

"Certainly, for the level of technology itself, we can expect a sustainable life."

"Please pause for a moment, Assistant Secretary of State!"

"Wait a minute, I just wanted to express my opinion that both of these plans have a disadvantage in terms of exterminating humans."

"However, it's better to do it as soon as possible than never," said Science Harden.

Harden got into another argument with one of the military's assistant heads of state. "I thought that was all!" oddly exclaimed one of the assistant military heads of state.

"Right now, both of your plans are indeed good, particularly in developing developments on Earth," said Adam, who began to tell the other assistant heads of state before looking around the room.

"We need a firm decision here. Earth science is actually commonplace and appropriate for all. But what we need to enforce here is the development of a more comprehensive technology. So the foundation of this science is due to material exploration; if there is no progress one day, there is no chance of a complete breakthrough."

"It should be noted that this is not limited to Earth civilization but can be used for civilization in general. However, they only have one goal: to be conquered by the Trikomunika civilization before the presence of aliens is discovered. We also try to make this area and the steps as simple as possible."

If you see the existence of this civilization, it will help us understand more about the current developments.

"Leave" and "stay" are two entirely different concepts.

"Wouldn't this be an evil plan if that plan was used to exterminate that thing on Earth's civilization?" Uchiha Madara stated.

"However, I'm curious: if technology continues, what should we do now?" "How about we destroy technology?" Philips was questioned as a genius.

"Why is technology required?" said Barat Lichua.

"That's why he's called strangely," Reddie explained.

Scientific civilization is still concerned with technological advancement.

Everyone is still interested in this.

The video is still in progress.

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