The Final Ashfield
The Final Ashfield
Author: Kitoku!
Chapter 0: Prologue

The sun, previously beating down on the battlefield with its heat, was now blotted out by many dark clouds. Even its majestic energy was overshadowed by a sea of pungent mist. 

Filling the air was the smell of rancid blood and iron, sickening enough to make your stomach churn. 

It was the smell of rancid blood and iron. But it was that smell that helped him focus in the fog.

There he stood. The figure of a man could be seen, alone, looking onwards. His name was Jacender Ashfield. Proud son of the Ashfield line and guardian of the gate. 

The mist slowly dissipated, revealing dozens of strewn bodies laid all around him. It was apparent that Jacender remained the last man standing.

"Khak!! Khak!!" he coughed fiercely into his hand.

    He had become exhausted from the raging battle against the demon hordes. So much so that he fell to his knees, blood on his glove.

"D-Damn it!!" He grunted, propping himself up with the hilt of his sword.  

Just as he started to rise, a domineering voice came from overhead.

"Stay down…or die.

Peering up toward the voice, all Jace could see blood red skin. And it's wearers were a seemingly endless army of demons.

Ravishers. And even more than before… he thought, tight-lipped. 

They were all ready to devour him with their jagged teeth, however they maintained their distance.

It was clear why.

Above them, perched on the hill above, dressed in white, a figure--presumably the boss, stood, looking down at Jace.

The ravishers would not attack unless given the permission.

Outfitted in a white overcoat as if to directly contradict Jace's black one, the figure also donned a white mask with carvings of an apple under one eye, and a book underneath the other. Two swords were also equipped on his waist.

Jace stared the man in the eyes with a fierce determination. 

"Yeah…?" He panted mockingly as he pushed himself up.

"Ngghhh!!" his heart thumped, reverberating through his ears as he faced his enemies.

He gritted his teeth, gripping his sword and faced it at the man.

Taking a deep breath, he sharply inhaled.

WELL?!?! Come on then, you bastards!! I'm ready when you are!!” he roared.

A wave of calm took hold of his body as he focused himself.

If I'm gonna die here…it's gonna be with some style. He smiled. 

Kekekeke!!!!” the demons chittered.

The sounds of their teeth clacking together was nerve-wracking.

It was a horrid sound, but Jacender was ready.

"Yes!! Human blood!!!"


"Let us kill him master!!!" the ravishers cackled. 

The figure went silent for a moment and then motioned with his hand toward Jace.


The wave rushed toward Jace in a frenzy.

Jacender exhaled.

In an instant, a fire-like golden energy seeped from his body.

The last of his power being brought to the forefront. 

This is it, he concentrated.

If I don´t hold them off here… humanity is doomed… he amped himself. 

I can't miss a single attack. 

“I’m gonna miss you, ‘Lex.” he whispered softly, reminiscent of the past, and charged in.

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