Take Me To The Venue

''I should forget about who?'' Greg asked Pedro. ''Somebody that I went to jail for? I went through hell in jail because the lunatic that sent me there made sure I was put in the same cell with the toughest criminals. Now he has gone ahead to take my girlfriend too? Where is the venue, Pedro? I want to go there,'' Greg insisted.

''He didn't take your girlfriend, Greg. She willingly agreed to marry him,'' Pedro replied. 

''Greg, why don't you just start a new life? You have time. You are still young and energetic. You are also talented with experience in the business. Go back home, brush yourself up and have a proper thought about how your life will navigate forward from now. Forget about Laura, she's gone. When you get successful all over again and become popular, she will be the one to look for you, and by then it will be too late for her. There are too many females out there that are worth it, for you to insist on destroying your life because of that lady,'' Pedro explained.

''Take me to the venue, I don't know what you are talking about, Pedro. Or are you in on the marriage too? The bastard has paid you as well, right?'' Greg queried.

''What?'' Pedro yelped at Greg angrily. ''Are you out of your mind? How can you think that low of me?'' he asked. ''I have never even seen that man in my life, apart from when the media has something to say about him, then I get to see him on TV or over the internet. Pay me? Dude, you can't be serious,'' Pedro argued.

''So, take me to the venue. You should be as mad at this development as I am,'' Greg continued to rant. ''Honestly, it hurts me that you didn't suggest this before I did. I am upset that I didn't hear about Laura dating this man while I was in jail. I would have been able to stop her from inside. It would have even been easier for me because no one would know I'm the one behind her not being able to date that bastard Damien son of a bitch,'' Greg ranted.

''I don't understand. What will you have done?'' Pedro asked, raising a sarcastic eyebrow at Greg.

''You have no idea, my dear. But it's fine,'' Greg replied.

He was heaving angrily and had adjusted his sitting position countless times because of the anxiety he was going through.

''I'm not happy about it as well, Greg,'' Pedro said with a solemn tone. ''But I can't allow you to go to that venue. You will disrupt it and ruin your life. You just came out of jail after three years, for a mere fight, of which you were in your right. Now, you want to disrupt the wedding of the same man that put you in jail for nothing? That will be the end of your life. Consider yourself done with if you go there,'' Pedro said.

Greg laughed and shook his head.

''You don't know what you are talking about, trust me. You have no idea who you are talking to now. I'm not the same Greg that left for jail three years ago. A lot has changed about me, but I'll allow you to find out by yourself. Give me your phone, I need to make a call,'' Greg demanded.

''Who do you want to call?'' Pedro asked, looking at Greg ridiculously because as far as he knew, Greg had been cut off long enough from society for him to know any numbers in his head.

When Pedro handed his phone over to Greg, Greg took out a piece of paper from his shoes. Scribbled on the paper were numbers. It was a phone number that Greg punched into Pedro's phone and dialled. The number connected at once.

''Hello. It's me. I need the address of a wedding taking place in the city, I suppose. The wedding is between Damien Ban, and Laura Keen,'' Greg told the unknown person on the other end of the phone line.

There was a brief silence as Greg waited. Pedro glanced at his friend, wondering who he was talking to. Suddenly, the phone beeped.

''Sent,'' the mysterious person told Greg and hung up. 

''Let me see,'' Pedro said, wondering if the address Greg just received was correct.

''What? Who did you just speak with?'' Pedro asked after he confirmed that the address was correct.

Greg smiled.

''Take me to the venue, Pedro. Please stop asking me all these questions and just take me to the damn venue or else I will come down from your car and go there by myself,'' Greg said. 

''Fine.'' Pedro replied and started to head to the venue of the wedding. 

"But how did you know where the wedding is held?" 

"It's my secret, man." Greg responded.

After 40 minutes, Greg and Pedro arrived at the wedding. It was held in a luxury mansion, two security guardians were standing there.

"Do you have invitation?" Two security guardians stopped Greg and Pedro.

"Invitation? No, we don't have..." Pedro said.

"Ah ha! Another two country men who wanted to take adventage from Mister Damien?" One of the security laughed.

"Go away bastards, there are all upper class celebrities here, they won't want to see you two losers here." Another guard tried to push Greg.

But Greg caught his hand before the guardian could touch him.

"You wanna die?" The guardian was furious and he tried to slap Greg in his face with his other hand.

But Greg kicked him to the ground.

"You re making trouble for yourself!"

The other guardian rushed to Greg, but Greg punched the guardian in his stomach, the two guardians were both in faint.

Pedro was terrified.

"What are you doing! You just came out of the jail, you wanna be arrested again? Are you crazy!!!" He shouted to Greg.

But Greg smiled with confident, "I'm not what I used to be. Relax man."

Greg stared at the door of the mansion.

"Now I'll take what I lost 3 years ago back."

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