Chapter 25

This response caused the stranger's eyes to narrow. "He stated, "I want to talk to this man."Jake paused, unsure of what to do in response.The dark man tightened his grip on his gun and pointed it at Jake to emphasize his point.Now.”

Jake gave a nod.Yes, okay.Sure.We will bring him here.He made a motion while looking at the radio as he turned to Jay.

Jay raised the radio to his lips despite his frown.Devin, uh?Are you here?

Everyone in the group looked out into the hallway at Devin, who gave them a grim look in return.He extended his hand toward the radio and gave a head nod.He received it from Richard.Yeah.”He commented on it.

"This person desires to see you.Is it possible for you to go here?

"All right, I'm going somewhere."

Standing up, Devin returned the radio to Richard.The door opened down the hall, and the unknown person leaned out and pointed his gun and flashlight down the hall at the group.Hands held non-threateningly high above his head, Devin appeared.The man yelled, "Sto
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