Chapter 3: Proposal rejected

Aubrey felt it was unbelievable, she turned back and saw a familiar face. In the past months, he was always closing his eyes, laying on the bed like a puppet.

But now, this man stood in front of her. He woke up, he was not a vegetable anymore!

Mrs. Caddel frowned, “Adonis? You woke up?”

She was angry, because if Adonis woke up, then Aubrey should divorce him first, so that she could marry Zayn.

Zayn looked at Adonis with a vicious eyes, he couldn’t accept that before he would succeed to get Aubrey, Adonis appeared and destroyed his plan.

Mrs. Caddel didn’t see Zayn’s eyes. She sneered, “Well, good for you vegetable, finally you woke up. That's a good news, because you had so many debts to be paid...”

Adonis smiled calmly, “Oh really, what debt?”

Mrs. Caddel screamed, “How dare you be so relaxed! 3 years ago you ran away from the wedding, you delayed her for 3 years! You must compensate it!”

Adonis sneered, “Yeah you’re right Mrs. Caddel, but this is what I owed to my wife, it’s none of your business.”

Mrs. Caddel was speechless, she was so angry, “Disrespectful, you are so uneducated! Now I order you to divorce Aubrey, you don’t deserve her!”

“How dare you show up on my birthday party? You are the enemy of the Caddel family!”

Aubrey was so excited, she ignored Mrs. Caddel’s words. She hugged Adonis tightly and said, “Adonis? Is it real? I’m not dreaming, right?”

Adonis slapped on her shoulder slightly, he comforted her gently, “No it’s not a dream, Aubrey. Since I woke up now, let me be your shield and protect you.”

“You shameless! I’m sorry Zayn, it was my fault. But don’t worry, I’ll let them divorce, Aubrey will marry you anyway!” Mrs. Caddel apologized to Zayn, she was afraid that Zayn would refuse to marry Aubrey.

She was hoping Caddel family could benefit a lot from this marriage. After all Zayn’s family controlled many industries, they could earn a lot if they had business cooperation with him.

“Aubrey, stop your shameless hug! You are arranged to be the fiancee of Zayn! So don’t act intimate with some other man!” Mrs. Caddel shouted.

But Zayn interrupted her, he pretended to be humble and polite, “Don’t be mad, Mrs. Caddel. I know that Aubrey must be cheated by this...newly recovered vegetable person. But nevermind, I’ll make him quit.”

Mrs. Caddel smiled, “Oh my god, you’re such a gentle man, Zayn!”

“You’re not like this ungrateful vegetable, he owed us so much but would not compensate!” Her words were so mean.

But Adonis smiled slightly, “Who told you I would not compensate?”

Mrs. Caddel laughed ironically, “You? How? You’ll compensate with your stinky clothes? Sorry, Caddel family is not recycling station!”

“How about 1 billion dollars? Is that enough as a compensation for these 3 years?” Adonis said calmly. He looked at Aubrey, asked her again, “Is it enough?”

Mrs. Caddel thought he was telling a joke, she laughed out of loud, “1 billion? Do you know what dose it mean? How dare a pumpkin speak such non-sense?”

However, at this time, Zayn’s phone rang. He was going to hang it up, but he fount it was his father’s call.

“Hello, father...What? Are you sure?” Zayn was shocked.

Mrs. Caddel stopped insulting Adonis, she asked, “What’s happening, Zayn?”

Zayn was stunned, he said surprisingly, “It’s Majestic Group! They will invest 1 billion dollars in our City!”

The party was silent, then they burst out of cheer.

Mrs. Caddel almost fainted when she heard this notice.

It was Majestic Group! It worth over trillion dollars, a real giant in business! If they could get orders from Majestic Group...

This would be the best opportunity for Caddel family to boom!

Mrs. Caddel was so excited, she asked Zayn, “Is this real, Zayn?”

Zayn smiled, “Of course, my father was the good friend of the CEO of Majestic Group, Mr. Max! This is definitely a real news!”

“Oh my god, Zayn’s father knew that Max?”

“I couldn’t believe it, Aubrey must marry him! Only Zayn could help us to get orders from Majestic Group!”

Zayn enjoyed the admire of these people, as if he was the dominate.

“Did you hear that, Aubrey? You must divorce Adonis and marry Zayn right away!” Mrs. Caddel ordered.

Zayn smiled, “If Aubrey marry me, I will surely speak good for Caddel family. After all, we’re family at that time.”

Mrs. Caddel said sharply, “You hear that? Divorce Adonis today, or you’ll be expelled from Caddel family!”



Everyone shouted, Aubrey was so terrified.

“Interesting, you said you could get orders from Majestic Group? Is that a difficult mission for you? But I think Aubrey could get orders from Majestic Group, and she dosen't need any help from a nobody.”

Adonis said peacefully, the party was silent.

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