Boss Event: Part Three

The creature, whose cigarette ran out, lit another cigarette and continued to stare at the standing Upgraded Humans. "I can wait as long as you like, it's going to be a long night, we have plenty of time..."

"It looks like we're not going to get out of here alive...IF SO!" After the creature had released him a few minutes ago, Jianyu, who was standing in anger, raised his voice at the end of his sentence, signaling his party, and they all started running toward the creature to attack but they fell to their knees again with the weight they felt because of the creature's mental attack toward them again in their second steps...

"Don't waste our time and answer my questions." The human-looking creature kept its composure and deactivated his power again, freeing them.

After a few more minutes Bardrick said in a low voice, "Let them go...I'll give you whatever you want..."

"Huh, what can you give me alone? You're alive because you're a strong white-spirited warrior... But I need a Detector, for now, not a warrior so don't push your luck too much. I asked for something and you'll do it too..."

"We...won'!" Again, another voice was heard that had lost all enthusiasm for living from fear..."You...won'" Elena, one of the two members of Bulgaria's Dual Wind, continued to speak, gulping...

The creature didn't answer, but his gaze at her was now harsh...

The members of the Dual Wind party, consisting of only one man and one woman, were actually husband and wife Nikolay and Elena. Nikolay intervened, fearing that the creature might harm his wife because of his change in attitude. "Tell him, my love..."

Elena wasn't responding because her swallows had turned to tears now, she wasn't screaming yet, but she was still sobbing...

"Please, my love, do it..." Nikolay gently grasped the hands of his wife, Elena, and gently lifted her head with his fingers, causing her to look into his own eyes with her tear-filled eyes.

Elena, who should have calmed down by looking into her husband's eyes, continued to cry, on the contrary, started to scream...

"Leave her. She is useless to me right now because she's having a nervous breakdown."

"What kind of creature are you!? What is not enough about the tortures you have done to us? Are you trying to do mental torture now? You see that we are ready to die, finish this now!" This time, Cem, the leader of Turkey's Sightseers Party, gathered his courage and started to speak.

"I'm getting really tired of this!" The creature's tone was fierce "If you don't figure out why the other invited parties haven't arrived in 10 seconds, I'll kill her!" He threw down his cigarette, which he hadn't finished yet, and stood up quickly, and he raised his hand towards Selen, the Detector of Cem's Sightseers party, to perform a skill attack.

"STOPPPPPPP! I WILL DO IT!" Continuing to sob, Elena of Dual Wind interrupted, trying to get out of her shock.

"Oh, will you?"

"The reason we are the 89th strongest party with just two people is that my wife is the most successful Detector in the world." Thinking that the creature was not convinced, Nikolai rejoined the conversation. "Give her a chance, please..." At the same time, he continued to suffer from the defeat of the creature's power.

"Ok, then" The creature lowered his hand again, took another cigarette from the pack in his pocket, lit it, and watched.

"But for me to do that, I need the blood of someone with a connection to all of them!" Her crying had subsided a lot, and now only her chin was shaking.

"What kind of connection?" The creature asked.

"Kinda an up-to-date, so it should have a current connection to all of them right now. It's not like they've met, chatted, etc. before."

The creature squinted his eyes for a moment. "I arranged an operation to have you all gathered here, and I'm the only reason you're going through right now. Will my blood be enough?"

"Maybe. I can't say anything until I try it."

"Then do it!" The creature raised his left hand in the air, opening his palm, and a cut formed on the palm, and his blue blood began to drain from that part of his body. Instead of flowing to the ground, the stream of blood rose up into the air and began to lengthen and loop non-stop around Elena's body like a lasso, stretching all the way around her.

Elena and the others were watching this scene in both horror and surprise because while it was no longer a surprise to them that the creature could do these things to his body, the color of his blood was indeed shocking.

The blood of the monsters that invaded the world was not blue, but red, the same as the blood of a human...At least they could see the ones they could hurt...

On the other hand, no human-looking monsters had been seen until now...

And there was no monster that could speak like a human...

Tonight, they were witnessing many facts that humanity did not know, so the experience they gained was actually very valuable, but they were all sure that they would not get out of there alive...

<IDENTIFY!> Touching the lasso of blood flying around her, Elena took a drop of blood after activating her skill, put it in her mouth, placed it on her tongue, and swallowed.  Then she raised both hands in the air and a translucent globe of earth formed in front of her hands… While she was doing all this, her eyes were closed, and she remained closed after swallowing the drop too because now her body was asleep and she was now only communicating with her spirit. "WHO ARE WE LOOKING FOR!?" Even though her mouth didn't move, that sentence came out of her body and echoed throughout the battlefield. Her voice sounded like it belonged to an angel, not hers...

Pulling the lasso of blood flying back into his body, the creature looked at her husband, Nikolay, not understanding why she was asking this question.

"Now that she's in a trance, you have to tell her exactly who you want her to find..." Nikolay answered the question that had not been asked in words.

"Oh ok. The location of Upgraded Humans parties that I sent here indirectly by infiltrating the software of the Upgraded Humans Center have not yet arrived here..."


Elena's spirit seemed to give the creature an order, but the creature was not obsessed with the details as he only focused on the answers he was seeking.

The one-meter diameter translucent earth globe in front of Elena started to spin wildly left and right, and this continued for about 30 seconds. "Rank.14 Yad Alsalam Party is 20km south of us and fast approaching here. Based on their speed, they're coming with a flying vehicle or animal, and they'll be here in 10 minutes."

"Good. What about the others?" The creature asked.

"I couldn't detect their souls!"

The creature's brows were furrowed. "What does it mean?"

"They are not in this world. So they are no longer alive."

The creature didn't like the answer he got. "Who killed them?"

"Could not be detected!"

The creature stared at the ground thoughtfully for a moment, then asked his final question. "Who is the strongest monster boss you can spot on this continent? I am one of them and now we have a living bond. You can analyze!"

Elena's translucent earth globe has pinned wildly again. "lvl60 Gargunia!" she said.

Although the creature in front of them was the strongest enemy they had ever faced in their lives, their fears increased when all the Upgraded Humans on the battlefield heard Gargunia's name, because Gargunia was the strongest enemy that ever faced humanity during the Apocalyptic Wars and after...Until tonight, of course.

But hearing that name did not please the creature either. "So you took action, you bastards!" he muttered in a tone that the humans on the battlefield couldn't hear...

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