Ch 6: The black mark on his chest

Ethons couldn’t believe that he was seeing Naruth and his father's face even more so to be alive again wondering how that is possible. That man's sword was deep into his chest no way he was going to live through a thing like that yet there was no more blood or the wound on his chest was nonexistent.

He starts to bring himself up and his father quickly helps him to bring his upper body up, not yet ready for the boy to get up fully.  

“Slowly, son, carefully bring yourself up.” his father tells the boy.

“What happened to you?” Naruth asked Ethons.

Once asked that question it triggered him to start remembering about the hunter and Mordos which caused Ethons to worry.   

“Mordos, where is he and what about that guy, the one who was attacking him.”

“Son, what are you talking about? There is no one else beside you alone here in this cave.”

Hearing that Ethons looked around and noticed what was said was true he was the only one in this cave. That when he remembered about the small talk with Mordos in the black void he was there with him and there was no doubt what it could mean.

“So Mordos is dead,” Ethons said sadly.

“Well it might as well be that way, but there is nobody or the dragon you have run off visiting during the nights.”

“Huh? How did you know that father?”

“It was thanks to Naruth that we were able to find you given that you weren't seen back home when the sun rose.”

Ethons looked at the girl who wouldn’t look at him since she had no chance then told his father because he was gone for so long thinking a bad thing could have happened to him.

“It's fine, Naruth, you had to tell and I am glad you did.”

Naruth didn’t say a word at the time as she ran into him hugging Ethons tightly and came sounds of her crying into his chest.

“I was scared…*sniff*... that something happened to you…..*sniff* I am glad that you are ok.”

“Hey it's alright now, I am still here, nothing is going to take me away.”

Ethons tells her while patting the girl's head his father watching was impressed at how well these two have bound and believes in the future it may grow into something beautiful one day.

“Come you two let us return home everyone will be happy to see that you are alright.”

Naruth was able to stop herself from further crying, calming down, and letting the boy go. Ethons starts to finally get completely up to stand on his two legs, but something changes fast into a thing that was good as he falls forward.

Lucky his father caught him in time into his arms and when making contact with his son his body was feeling hot burning at a fast rate.

“Ethons you are burning up fast, something is wrong. We have to get back home right away, Naruth let go.”

“Right!.” Naruth says as she follows Ethons father out of the cave and outside.


At the wood elf village

When back Ethons was imminently brought to the queen hoping that in some way she could help Utebarr boy.

“My queen please I need you to help my son Ethons something's not right his body is burning at an unusual rate.”

“What is the cause of this? Has anything happened to the boy? When you found him at the dragon cave.”

“His body has nothing that can lead to this unexpected reaction.”

At the time Ethons started to yell in pain as if something inside of him was causing it.

“Quickly lay the boy down, so I take a look and see what is going on.”

As ordered Utebarr placed Ethons down on the ground and she started to take a close look at him. What the queen saw in front of her was the boy having a high burning fever sweating non-stop along with this unknown pain coming out of nowhere.

The queen started to try healing Ethons, but after a time nothing was happening.

“I don’t understand my healing is not working on your son, only means it could be something else is doing something to him. Tell me Utebarr everything when in that cave, I must know all the details.”

Utebarr does tell the woman, but he thinks what has been told to her will not be much of useful help.

“Wait a minute the dragon you didn’t see its body there meeting with the creature.”

“No, my queen.”

“That is what I am afraid of…..”

Cut from speaking further Ethons body went up in flames that took the whole body within it consuming the boy only. 

“Ethons!.” Utebarr yelled right as he was able to reach out to his boy. 

“No you must not touch the boy or you will die by these flames which will burn someone like you into nothing to be found.”

The queen said right as she stopped him from getting close to Ethons, even her daughter as well who was there.

“Why, what is happening to my son?”

“Your boy….. I am sorry to say he is cursed.”

“Curse you say how by what dare to curse my son.”

“Something that has been living in that cave question is why would such a creature seek to commit such an unforgivable act.”

Utebarr understands the only creature to live in that cave Ethons was found in was the dragon. Somehow it must have cursed his son, but for what reason or the fact this man doesn't know what kind of curse.

They watch for a few seconds longer until the flames in their way disappear as nothing was affected by it. When cleared Ethons was fine his body was not burned to be all unharmed as Utebarr was able to finally hold his boy in his arms.

There was something on the boy's chest area openly since Ethons was naked given the clothes couldn’t live through the flames.

What was on his chest was a black mark formed into the shape of a dragon, the same one from the cave Mordos.

“Just as I fear, my soul is inside him.” the queen said.

“What soul are you talking about, my queen.”

“If the dragon soul from the cave somehow gets inside your boy this shouldn’t be possible.”

Utebarr stares at his son Ethons face who looks to be sleeping after going through all that.

“Utebarr, I don't know if you know about the legends about such beings containing the soul of a dragon.”

“I have heard of them, but that was such a long time ago that it was never to be repeated.” 

“Yes and yet now your son has become like them after centuries have passed a cursed dragon born.”

Hearing that caused Utebarr to stop for a second before beating again the expression on his face was one who couldn’t believe this was happening. The queen in a way understands what he must be feeling with all this and wouldn’t want any parent to be in a position like this moment. 

“A meeting will be held tonight to discuss this matter and to decide on what to do about Ethon. I am sorry this has come to be this way.”

“I… I understand my queen, I will take the boy back home with him until the time for the meeting.”

Utebarr gets up with Ethons in his arms walking his way back to his wife and the rest of his child. He doesn’t look forward to having to tell this to them, but it has to be done as there is no way out of this being known to all here.

“Mom what is going to happen to Ethons.”

Asked by her daughter the queen doesn’t answer back right away how can she when the outcome of the meeting is already foreseen to her.

“I don’t know my Naruth, but let us hope it comes to be for the best.”

The queen lies, not looking at her little girl being a close friend to the boy and Naruth was a smart girl who knows her mother well.

“You're lying.”

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