"Who thought them finding out that we are dating would make them fight over each other like this? Haha," Brianna said, still laughing.

"Hahaha, it’s hilarious," Trevor replied, also laughing.


Later in the evening,

Trevor and Brianna were both sitting across from each other on the small kitchen diner inside the huge kitchen. They were both staring at each other as they ate.

"Babe, my parents would like to meet with you," Brianna said with a slight smile across her lips.

"Oh yeah? Are you serious?" He inquired, raising an eyebrow as he took a spoonful of spaghetti and ate it.

"Yes, I told them that we have been living together for a while and going to college. I also told them that we are dating. They remember you, of course, but they haven’t seen you since you were a kid," she responded.

"Okay, that sounds great; I would also love to meet them; maybe we could ask them if they would be okay with us getting engaged," he stated.

"Yeah, I think that would be great; we could get
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