Chapter 8: The Perfect Weapon
Their plan worked very well and the soldier rounded up his colleagues. At first, the veterans were nervous about the mission. More so, they worried about how they could do it without their jobs back. With John as the Minister for Internal Security, this was nothing they needed to worry about. He had organized everything and got them back on payroll. Besides the Chosen and these soldiers, only the president knew about this whole mission.

Since it was top secret and off the record, the government could not pay them directly. Their pay was to come from the Chosen’s account. Having cleared the tension in the room, they were all on the same page. It was time to plan on how these soldiers would eliminate these giants. Sacrificing these traitors for sake of the country was worth it. So, the answer was simple, they had to die. What was not easy was how they were to die without raising eyebrows. The Chosen never wanted to attract attention to these soldiers or themselves.

In the end, they had
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