After entering the castle, we walk until we reach the room with a menacing aura inside. Rai stands in front of the door, her heart pounding. She takes a few deep breaths and raises her trembling hand. She knocks three times on the door, saying, "Father, it's Rai."

"Enter," says an old man's voice from inside the room. We enter, and I see the man seated in his bed.

This is Rai's father. The King of the Sakura Kingdom. The last time I saw a King was when I was summoned here ten months ago. However, despite being past his prime, this man has a presence greater than Rai's. Similar to Raizo's.

"Father, we have formed teams to search for and convince Leviathan to join our side."

"Good. If we gain Leviathan's power, that man will not be much of a threat to us."

"I will be joining the search party," demands Rai.

"Are you still...?"

"However," she interrupts, "before that, I have a friend who wants answers. He is a dragon named Haruki."

"Haruki?" asks the old man, surprised. He looks at
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