
He slammed Nico's head on his desk, making the detective gasp for air. When Nico looked into Cassio's eyes, it was as if he was staring into the eyes of a demon. The intestines are merciless and obstructive. The man had cold and lifeless eyes, and that was enough to make a chill run down Nico's spin. Gradually, he felt fear of this creature.

It choked him.

Nico could barely breathe.

"Your passion will soon poison you, detective. You'll be like me too. You will fucking hate the people you protect, and I'll sell my soul to the devil to witness your downfall! HAHAHAHAHA!"

Nico could hardly breathe with the intensity of the stranglehold on him. His body is losing oxygen and he can't fight back. He tried to struggle, but the Heartless Killer was just stronger.

'I can't die!'

The drawer of his desk was weak and trembling. He finally grabbed the object and thrusted it at Cassio Salvador's face. "TANGINA! ARGH!" Cassio cried out in pain at what Nico had done, blood dripping from his eyes. Nic
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