14|| Resolve.

Chloe’s POV.

The bus was quiet as we drove into the street of the police station, it was a mess. There were cars left open, dropped bags and forgotten shoes, papers and overturned motorcycles, blood stains and torn ligaments from what used to be people.

It was a no brainer, the infection had reached this place. It made my heart pound with fear at the countless worst-case scenarios that passed through my mind, none of which were in our favour. My hand gripped the rail tightly till my knuckles turned white.

I pushed the saliva down the huge lump that had formed in my throat as the bus slowed to a stop. “You need to see this,” Michael said in a low tone, his voice was cold but the lingering disbelief drew my attention.

I forced my quivering legs up. They were numb beneath me as they trudged to the front of the bus. A whimper escaped my lips as I took in the scene before us. There were several grown-ups now turned, lined in front of the police station.

Upon hearing the sound of the bus, t
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