7 || Kill Or Be Killed.
Bulchewski High School.

Chloe’s POV.

I was pushed out of the way roughly and it crashed into the wall loudly. My eyes were trained on her writhing body. She remained on the ground with a loud snarl.

“Fuck!” Hunter whispered and stood up. “Run!!” He pulled me up and ran towards the bathroom. She ran after us albeit angrily. My legs were wobbly yet they pushed until we got in. Hunter slammed the door shut on its hand.

It kept wiggling around, scratching at whatever and trying its hardest to grab Hunter.

“Help!” He half glared at me and I ran to the utility room and grabbed a mop.

I used it to hit her hand until she removed it. Hunter finally shut the door completely and dropped to the floor with shut eyes.

“Fuck.” He exhaled.

Edward’s POV.

The thing ran after them and I took a step to follow but someone grabbed my arm.

“Edward, stop!” It was Michael.

“I have to help them.” I pulled my hand out of his grip.

“It leads to the bathroom man, they’ll be safe. Let’s get out of here bef
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