
Iris was quick to begin venting as they walked off.

'I hate her! We were clearly with you, and she only wanted to invite you! Not to mention how she was totally attracted to you...' (Iris)

'Oh? Is Scarlet jealous?' (Dream)

'I am not! I just hate her! She looks at us rudely, fakes it, and then completely disregards us. I outta smack her.' (Iris)

'Well that would look bad so I don't recommend it. And don't worry, she won't take me from you.'

'I said I'm not jealous! And besides, I'm definitely prettier. She also has small boobs.'

'Does that make you feel superior or something? Hehe, well I guess I do like your big boobs better, so it's fine.'

'You... Ugh...'

Iris began blushing bright red. She couldn't turn away the 'compliment' since he had only agreed with her. She could do nothing but be embarrassed, and a bit happy.

Luna also smiled. It was the first time that she had ever considered the fact that other girls might like Dream as well. It was a weird feeling, but seeing how Dream res
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