Spun Out

Once inside, I pressed the button, and the elevator started to take me up to the top floor, where Lidy was sleeping in my room. I looked around and sniffed, but all signs of our fun were gone; all evidence cleaned.

I was curious if that happened on its own or if someone was cleaning up after me as I went? That would not be likely, but I never knew. A good number of people had nothing to do, but I wasn’t giving them orders.

Hell, I didn’t even know where half the people that had joined us were. Numerous Demons had come with us, men and women, but I hadn’t placed them.

There was a ding as I reached the top floor, and the door opened. I headed out and turned right to the ladder that went up to the hatch, but it was different now.

I climbed up and had to spin the wheel that was on top of the hatch to get it opened. When I opened it, I half expected the water to rush out and then sink the ship.

What was on the other side of the hatch was hard to look at without wondering what the fuck was
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