Saving the girl

All the monsters stopped for a second and looked at the blast. On this occasion, the rest of the Silver team began to attack with all their might to finish the monsters.

Blue's sword had become normal again. Blue looked at another goblin knight and saw that Neely and two other members of their team had just defeated another goblin knight. So Blue took his eyes off them and looked at Nuke and Goblin King, who were fighting away from everyone.

"My mana is very low because of using a lot of powerful spells. The rest of the hobgoblins and goblin magicians will be defeated by our team. All that's left is the goblin king. Nuke looks like he's having trouble defeating the goblin king alone. He must have used a powerful multiple spell. Before his and my mana run out, we have to defeat the goblin king and get out of the gate with everyone. So I should help him without wasting time." Thinking of these words in his mind, Blue read the spell "Dark Magic: Speed Boost" and started moving towards Go
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