Silver team leader: Nuke

The man entered through the door. Eris recognized him immediately as the leader of the Silver Team, Nuke. Another person followed him. Upon seeing him, Eris recognized him as well; it was Blue, the vice-leader of the Silver team. The two of them entered the room, and Eris got up from the bed to greet them.

At that moment, Nuke approached Eris and sat him back down on the bed.

"Hold on! You don't have to get up. Please sit down," he said with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to visit me here. Please, both of you, have a seat," Eris said, looking at the two of them.

Nuke smiled and sat down next to Eris on the bed, while Blue remained standing and looked at him.

"The two of us came to the hospital to inquire about everyone rescued from the gate. When we were making inquiries with everyone, we ran into your mother and sister. So we decided to come and see you right away. We're glad to see that your condition has improved," Blue said calmly, with a slight smile on his face.

Nuke pulled a c
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