Want to help

"I want to go in with you as well. I won't be a burden to you. I'll even come to your help," Eris said aloud.

Hearing Eris' words, Blue and Neely both stopped and turned to look at her. At that moment, Flora accidentally stepped on Eris' heel, causing her to stand up.

"Thank you for wanting to come with us, but you can't come and do anything. If a monster is in this cave, which would be difficult for our team to handle, you could die within seconds. And the main reason we came here is to rescue your team. We cannot knowingly put you in harm's way," Nili said, putting the sword in her hand back into the sheath at her waist and speaking in a serious voice.

"You're right, but I can help you. Suppose you go inside and see that someone on your team has been seriously injured. If you need more healers, then you will need Miss Flora. But Miss Flora will be here to save these girls. So if you take me, and you encounter danger or need Miss Flora's assistance, I will leave the cave and bring Mi
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