I'm seeking for a decent location to stay.
The city was not particularly large, but the residents were ecstatic. When word spread that a dungeon was sprouting on Malaska Plain, several merchants rushed inside. A guy approached the caravan while examining the surroundings. “Good to see you all arrived safely,” he replied, bowing to them. “As scheduled, we arrive on time; where should we stay?” The guy grinned and motioned for the caravan to follow him.

They arrive at the local inn and instructed the members of the caravan to stay and rest for a while and before daybreak they must ready to go to the Malaska plain. The young girl use this time to buy more necessity for her own survival and prepare for the upcoming adventure inside the dungeon.

They arrived at a nearby inn and advised the caravan members to stop and relax for a time before departing towards the Malaska plain before daylight. The little girl takes this time to stock up on supplies for her own survival and prepare for the approaching adventure inside the dungeon.

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