Ayala Mall.
They opened their flashlights and continued to stroll cautiously to the spot where the Lego robot had stopped moving. Unfortunately, they didn't discover the Lego robot or the two shadows they saw via the camera when they got to the area. “This gives me chills,” Edward stated as his hand began to tremble, explaining why the camera wasn't focused. “Stop being a jerk and film me properly,” Samantha says as she combs her hair with her hands to make sure she looks good in front of the camera.

“Are we ready?” The guy said, and Edward nodded, “The camera rolls in 3, 2, 1,” and he hand signaled to indicate that the recording had begun. “Hello, my name is Samantha, and welcome to the "What's the Truth?" show.”

"We are currently inside the Ayala Mall here in Cebu," she added. “What are we doing here? Do you remember what happened in the past few months?”

“There were so many missing people inside the mall that even the police couldn't find the reasons for their disappearances.”

“We're here t
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