A Year After

"The Trident Org disappeared once again. Before, they had killed a few important individuals in the Higher District. I did not expect that they would appear in the Middle District."

"How did you know about them, Sir?" Raymond asked.

"I heard about the Trident Org, but I didn't know about their symbol. It was only when I asked one of my colleagues about the trident symbol."

Raymond put the pieces together. It could be that he just forgot about it, but he didn't have any recollection of the Trident Org.

A question then popped into his mind about how he could taunt the people who sent those assassins.

"Where did you put their bodies, Sir?" Raymond asked again.

"I put them in the higher district. The plaza there is famous for criminal executions."

Raymond nodded simultaneously as he understood Gandina's explanation.

When the night arrived, Raymond continued circulating his mana to improve his MP. But it wasn't enough because this progress is expected of him. But at least he could get some
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