184. The argument.
After Harris was out of sight, Zachary Hawkins changed the pretentious discussion. “The King will now see you Eric.”

“Okay.” Eric said as they both head to meet with King Luca Cole.

In a couple of minutes they were in the king’s presence and Eric said. “Your majesty, you asked to speak with me.”

“Yes,” Luca turned towards him. “We are ready to move out, so we want to know if you are set.”

“Ermmm….” Eric stammered because he had not told the King about his soon departure and as Zach had advised, it was wise for him to tell the king that he would soon be leaving the country Palind back to his world. he struggled to get the right words to break the news he had for Luca but his facial expression already foretold that what he was trying to say was not something pleasant to be heard.

“It’s okay, Eric, you can spit it out and stop bordering on how I will take it.” Luca encouraged him to speak and stopped holding his words.

With the readiness and willingness of King Luca Cole to hear wh
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