186. Reality.
The monitor attached to Eric Claus began to beep loudly, alerting the nurses and medical personnel nearby to hurriedly come check on him and find out what was the cause of the sudden beeping of the monitor.

The first nurse that ran in noticed his temperature was burning beyond normal and it was something beyond her skills so she rushed out to call the doctor in charge of his treatment while another nurse that followed after her tried to stabilize the situation pending the doctor’s arrival.

In a few minutes the doctor came in to check on him and saw that it was more than a normal burning for someone in his condition, and something he hasn’t seen before throughout his entire career, but that was not going to prevent from running some quick test on him.

The tests were all reporting strange feedback as they stabilized him with an injection to stop the burning. Soon he began to sweat which was still strange to the professionals.

“He is dying,” The doctor gave the only explanation he co
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