After breakfast that morning, the king took King Wgheneo to the field to go and see their military and men how they practice for the upcoming war that will take place in few days with the other kings.

They went with the king, the prince, the princess and King Wgheneo, King Wgheneo asked the king when they got to the field and he saw the mighty army of the king, whether he was the one controlling this whole army.

The king smiled and told him yes, that all of them are his army that is why they have never lost any battle before because his army is mighty and strong but the kings that are coming against them this time is five times bigger and stronger than he is but if the kings will could one kingdom at a time to fight against him, that he will definitely defeat them but for the reason that they are all coming at the same time and day, made it impossible for him to defeat them and that is where King Wgheneo comes in.

When they got to the field properly, the commander in charge ordered th
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