Chapter 25

Clarrissa POV

God! My sister hates me. I don't know what I was expecting but with the way we left each other the last time, I didn't expect this sudden out Burst of hers.

The way she picked offense at what I said, the way her eyes went red, that was how my brothers use to get pissed at me at every given opportunity and what comes next is beating.

You may think I over reacted to it by crying but I really didn't mean to. Just that.... just that I swear I saw Dennis in her perhaps doesn't she have a gun? What if she out of hatred decides to shoot me? My brothers can protect themselves but not me. Hell, I can't cope with another hatred from any of my family.

As soon as Rechel turns to leave, she killed a step when two people walked in.

Antonio and Liam.

"What happened here?" Antonio frowned, his eyes scanning round the clustered room. "Why's the room unpside down and why why are you crying clarrisa?" He asked, his face emitting concealed Anger.

Liam was frowning.

I quickly wiped m
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