You are such a jerk

Chapter - 181

"Didn't know my business partner was so chivalrous,"

When Alex and the rest were talking among themselves, out of nowhere, someone else butted in the conversation. But the voice was familiar, and when they turned around to look, it was Jessica.

"You are finally here," Rebecca rushed towards her sister and hugged her nice and tight, "I missed you so much."

"What took you so long," Veronica complained," Don't you know how hot it is out here? Good thing we had Alex's brother to keep us entertained." Veronica said and let go of Damien's arm, much to his dismay.

"He is Alex's brother," Veronica said as she introduced Damien but paused.

"Ummm... What was your name again?" Veronica smiled at Damien and asked.

"What?" Damien thought he had heard it wrong. Surely he introduced himself in the most vivid way to leave a mark. Moreover, they have been conversing with each other for the last ten to fifteen minutes, spilling all the embarrassing details about his brother. And all of th
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