Journey To The Darkness

" Rocks and Rocks everywhere, are we heading towards the tower of darkness," Dawn yelled as he looked at the map.

' Damnit! It would have been way closer if you had just decided to climb the Tower of flames first but you choose the one that's on the other end of the world.' Kevin scolded him.

" I can fly there using my telekinetic powers, that's what I thought but we have only been able to travel this far only, and my energy is already depleted this much." He spoke.

" We need to think of a solution first."

' You can't do anything because we are trapped here in Barron lands.'

" Hey, what is that thing flying in the air?" Dawn spoke as he suddenly noticed something like a bird but not an actual bird flying in the air.

What Dawn was looking at was a ship with wings on both sides and there was also something like a balloon above it, which was making it float in the air. Upon seeing this Dawn took off from the ground and started to fly in the air using his telekinesis ability.

" Let
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