Rescuing Sora Gulden

Kindle Lou smiled and said, “One moment.” She held out her hand and a tiny sliver of fog slipped into the room from under the door. The others inhaled in surprise, but no one said anything until Kindle Lou had manipulated the fog into words.

Clouds are water.

“That is so cool,” Key said and reached to touch it. He spun his fingers through the “w” and Kindle Lou laughed and let the fog encircle his wrist like one of the many bangles already there.

“I think that will send a proper message,” Newt said. “The king will definitely hear of it, and then ... what?”

Kanisa shrugged. “That is why we hope Sora has a plan.”

“We will keep your secrets, if only because we trust Sora and want to help him,” Newt said. “Stay and relax. Sleep and bathe. Thud and Mintle will go to the market for more food.”

“That will be wonderful,” Kanisa said and dug into her side pouch for money. “Please allow me to pay for it.”

“He would not have it any other way,” Dawn said and got a slap to the back of the head fro
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