31| Surrounded in Smoke


Alland screamed somewhere not far from where Eryk was standing. The boy was attacked by a giant spider.

Eryk was about to approach the boy, but something hit his side, and he fell. Hot and sticky liquid sprayed on Eryk's face. The liquid dripped from above, and Eryk realized it was saliva from a giant spider's mouth.

One of the spider's forelegs, which had black hair, held Eryk's arm. The weight of the spider's arms forced the air out of Eryk's lungs. The spider's pair of red eyes stared at Eryk with its clawed mouth closed. Then, the mouth opened slowly, only a few inches from Eryk's face.

Eryk was sure the spider would soon sink its fangs into its tender flesh. He also felt the lizards rushing away as if terrified of the spider.

"If I were you, I wouldn't move," Black Widow said.

Eryk turned away from the spider's legs with great difficulty and saw that Alland had also been pounced on.

Black Widow stood not far from the spider, still pinching Eryk's chest. The woman snappe
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