Chapter 74

MY MIND WAS in a turmoil. Mum left yesterday, or was it two days ago?

I lost track of time.

Then Dad was called too. He left last night.

And that was how I ended up alone in America. I planned on staying in my dorm for the major part of the day. But I had to go to campus in the morning, I had a major lecture.

I entered the lecture hall distractedly, my hood was pulled over my head as I settled down.

I should call Jake, I said to myself. I should offer my condolences. Mum had sent me the news that my uncle was dead. Jake would be the alpha now.

I randomly remembered a time when we were 9 and Jake had held my hand, saying I would be his right hand when he became alpha.

It had seemed like a faraway dream as at that time.

Now, it felt like another life.

Another reality, but a reality nonetheless.

I shook my head and brought out my laptop, and then I perceived it.

I looked up sharply and caught the glint of the sun on that ginger coloured hair.

She was sitting a few rows in front of me. Wi
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