Chapter one hundred and thirty four: proved wrong
“There is none anywhere else except one place but you can’t go there seeking for it because I promise you that no runner enters there and comes out alive,”

“I don’t care what this place looks like so just tell me what I need to know,” she said in a strict tone.

“Fine, I will tell you where it is but if anything happens to you don’t say that I didn’t warn you,” he said. “There are these classes of indigenes called the Lunatics and these classes are the most feared among all the indigenes of the dimensions; they are the ones who guard the stones. It is something they are ready to protect with their lives and entering their territory for the purpose of stealing one of those is a suicide mission,”

“I have heard of those beings before and I am aware of what they are capable of but that doesn’t mean that I should be afraid of them, so thanks for the advice but for now let me think of how to get these chains off my hands,” she answered.

Obed was amazed by her reply and that wasn’t because any
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