"Nath Hua run!" Fin Lan screamed at the top of his lungs.

In the mountain filled with the bright and lively trees were being themselves today also. The floor was still wet as it was still around morning. The leaves on the ground remained with that vital greenness. Some leaves were dead, one with the origin.

The day was getting bloodier. Subsequently, just as Nath Hua and Fin Lan along with Fang Xiuying. The misty iris warrior tribe started to attack them.

"What the fuc*k bro! Why are you guys attacking us." Fin Lan screamed furiously.

There was a confused look on his face. Just as they were hoping for an answer, they did not get a single response from them.

Nath looked at Fang Xiuying. She looked worried.

"Brother Nath, thank you for helping me reach this place. It was fun." She responded.

Nath Hua looked at both Fan Xiuying and Fin Lan without speaking a single word.

He started to warn them and he ran.

"Everyone run in different ways." Nath Hua started to run.

Fin Lan was ab
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