Ferocious sea monster

The ferocious sea monster let out a loud roar, and the ship began to move backward against the sailor's will.

Everyone on deck was terrified; a young lady used her hands to cover her baby's eyes; such a sight at such a young age is not good; it could lead to a lot of nightmares and trauma in the future if they survive.

"You unfortunate beast, today you will realize how unlucky you are to have harmed the ship I'm on; this great mountain swordsman will make you bleed today." The masked man roared, his hands clenched around his sword, and his legs balanced on the floor.

His battle-ready stance irritated the sea monster, who immediately sent one of its heads towards him while the other started shooting flame at the ship.

Some water element cultivator controlled the water on the ship to slow and quench the flame's momentum.

Meanwhile, the masked man leaped into the hair and began sprinting on the sea monster's snaky head, his feet extremely fast.

When it reached a point on the sea monster's body, he released a downward stab at that point.

The sea monster shivered as pain washed down its body, and the large current of pain sent to its central point caused the sea monster to attack the ship rashly.

It moved its head so quickly, but the masked man remained stuck on the sea monster's body, his sword piercing deep into the beast.

The stability of his swords, combined with the movement of the sea monster, makes the injury on its body even more painful.

"That's awesome." Mo Shen was astounded by the fighting spirit of this masked man, who was so powerful despite not using magic.

It hadn't even been a minute when the sea monster it was fighting went insane from pain.

The cultivators who relied on magic at the time were astounded; this man was mysterious and powerful, and none of them could detect his cultivation.

They even used their best inspection technique, pouring essence into their eyes, but the cultivation of this mysterious masked man remained unknown.

The sea monster's attack weakened because its body was so weak right now.

It moved its large body haphazardly, even sinking itself into the water, but the pain and pest on its back persisted.

As the masked man and the sea monster sank into the sea, the passengers on the ship rushed to the water's edge and stared deeply at the troubled sea.

When blood began to rise to the surface of the water, the passenger wondered whose blood it was and prayed that it wasn't the cultivator's.

The water became even more turbulent at that point, and the large and terrifying body of the sea monster floated to the surface, but this time it was different because it was no longer alive.

"Wow, we're safe!"

"Thank the Lord, we are safe.'


Everyone on the ship was overjoyed; the sailor smiled, as did his partner; the two of them did their best to keep the ship balanced.

Other members of the crew began repairing some damaged parts of the ship; the people were so happy that they forgot about their savior; one of them was so happy that he told the truth to his girlfriend, which resulted in an immediate heartbreak; his girlfriend gave him a dirty slap, causing the other young men behind him to hold their cheeks and widen their eyes as if they were the ones feeling the pain.

A young man was so happy that he fell into the sea, his expression crumbling with fear, he was afraid another monster would appear because of him, and he began crying for help, his crying voice was so funny that the children began laughing at him.

He was fortunate that a crew member was able to dive in and drag him out.

Mo Shen stood up and walked towards the ship's stern, staring deep into the sea.

"Did he die, and why is he still in the sea?" His brow furrowed; that mysterious man just now was so powerful, someone like him shouldn't have died beneath the waves.

He swept his gaze to the large corpse of the sea monster; unable to get a clear view from where he was, he ran to the other side, where he could see the corpse more clearly.

He was worried about losing the sea monster's crystal core, and he was already anticipating how it would feel to lay his hand on one of them and increase his cultivation with it.

He noticed something unusual on the corpse, a slight budge on one of the heads, the other was pretty normal, and the one he was observing right now has a budge and something moving inside of it.

The thing inside gradually revealed itself to be none other than the masked man.

He swam to the other head, tore it open with his sword, and tore it open with his sword.

The head was so large that his entire body fit inside it as he dove for something Mo Shen suspected was the crystal core.

The body of the mysterious expert leaped from the head of the sea monster and landed on the ship, immediately quieting everyone down, they thought he died, now seeing him alive scared them out of their wits.

Someone who can defeat a monster is a greater monster and should be feared.

Everyone stared at him in fear, except for Mo Shen, who looked at him with admiration in his eyes.

The masked man's brow furrowed at Mo Shen.

Mo Shen assumed the masked man found his appearance disturbing, but he was actually inspecting his cultivation, and his sharp sense allowed him to notice that his power core was quite unusual.

He approached Mo Shen, who was wearing a strange expression.

'Did he notice that I'm curious about what he took from the best's body?'

'Did he think I was dumb and wasteful?'

'What the hell, I'm feeling uneasy right now.'

"Would you be willing to be my disciple throughout this journey, young man?" His voice was loud but gentle, while the other parts were filled with authority and power.

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