
Everyone assumed that the mysterious man was an assassin sent after Mo Shen, while others assumed that it was a negative reunion, but they were all surprised when the mysterious man asked Mo Shen to be his disciple throughout the journey.

Of course, seeing his prowess right now, many guys wanted to capture his attention so that he could become their teacher, even if only for a short time.

Mo Shen looked at the masked man; from his voice, he could tell he was middle-aged, probably between the ages of 30 and fifty.

Mo Shen stared at his deep-powerful eyes for a moment before nodding his head, agreeing that the martial arts moves he was performing right now were simply too impressive for him to resist the temptation to learn them.

"What, he appears to be someone who hasn't even begun cultivating; why did this expert pick him over us?"

"Look at his clothes; it's clear that he comes from a common background; if this expert charges for his lessons, this brat will be broke for the rest of hi
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