As Victor and his team returned to the mansion, a sense of unease hung in the air. Their mission to rescue Megan had not gone as planned, and everyone's worried expressions reflected the gravity of the situation. Victor knew he had to face the Chen family and deliver the news, despite the disappointment he felt in himself.

"Edward," Victor said solemnly, turning to his trusted companion. "Please inform the Chen family about what happened tonight."

As Edward dialed Charles' number, he took a deep breath, preparing himself for the difficult conversation ahead. The phone rang a few times before Charles finally picked up, his voice filled with anticipation and anxiety.

"Edward, have you found her? Is Megan safe?" Charles' voice trembled with worry.

Edward hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words. "Charles, we returned to the mansion, but Megan wasn't there. We searched everywhere, but we couldn't find her."

Charles felt a sinking feeling in his chest, his worst fears com
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