Chapter Ninety: "Purity and Responsibility"
Ainspenser gazed into Gaige's eyes, utterly perplexed by his beaming smile despite his revelation that his powers had apparently vanished due to impurity.

"Didn't I tell you? Don't regret this," Gaige whispered happily into Ainspenser’s ear. He was quite taken with her reaction. Gaige couldn't believe that she seemed to be falling for him after just one night together. He felt pleased and confident, believing that Ainspenser would be easy to manipulate and that he wouldn't need to worry about being betrayed or overpowered by her.

In truth, Gaige's powers had not disappeared because of impurity. His purity had long been compromised due to his past actions, including killing countless people, deceiving others, destroying towns, burning villages, and engaging in numerous affairs. However, purity wasn't the foundation of his powers; it was sincerity toward his god. As long as he remained sincere and honest in his prayers to his god, his powers would remain intact. Many blessed individual
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