Bookworm Meeting and New Members

All club members gathered in the video media room at the library. Many young people from freshmen to seniors are invited to attend tomorrow's preparatory meeting. The presentation slides are already showing on the projector screen. This work they must do to their fullest. The result must be perfect. This event must attract people from colleges and outsiders to pay attention to this activity.

Simon and Darren enter the meeting room. They found that the other members were waiting for an opening meeting from their club president. Caroline is preparing a presentation. Her expression was serious and of course, she was wearing her favorite pair of eyeglasses. They thought that this meeting must have been intense for many hours.

On the other side of the room, Emily is talking to the member about the three people in charge of organizing the book booth. Her expression was as serious as Caroline's. Even though her position is only vice president. Her job is to keep order. The main duties are more in the hands of the president. But she wanted to make the event as perfect as possible.

"Alright, everyone. Listen to me. We're about to start the meeting. Please everyone listen and be quiet." Caroline spoke through the conference microphone in a serious tone.

An atmosphere of silence began. People stopped talking and found a free seat to listen to the meeting. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the president of their club as one. Simon and Darren took their seats at the back of the room. They will be observing at this point.

"Before we start the meeting. Let me introduce new members to you guys first."

Three women walked out and stood at the front of the room.

The first one is a girl with black ponytail hair. Her appearance is like a goth girl. Her face was indifferent as if she didn't want to welcome anyone. Her silver sharpened eyes on diamond face shape were as quiescent as still water.

The second woman looked no different from that woman. She is small like a high school girl. Light brown short wavy hair on her round face shape looks cute.

And the last girl looks different from the previous two. She looks friendly and mature at the same time. She has dark hazel long hair. The smile on her triangle face looked admirable. Those are her blue eyes too. Overall, these three white girls were no less beautiful.

"My name is Sylvia Lopez. I'm a new member of the Bookworm Club. Nice to meet your guys." A goth girl introduces herself.

"Hello, My name is Julie Harris." A small girl introduces herself shortly with a little smile.

"Hi, Names Alyssa Carter. Nice to meet you. I hope we get to know each other soon." A friendly girl introduces herself and waves hello with a cheerful smile.

While they are introducing themselves. Simon's eyes suddenly caught sight of them wearing some kind of steel neckless with strange pendants around their necks. He was shocked to see that the pendant was a symbol of the Light that he had read about in the Order of the Universe book.

"What the..." He said in his mind.

"Thank you guys very much. Please go back to your seats. Now we'll start meeting." Caroline said.

Those girls returned to their seats. The meeting is about to start after this.

"Oh wow! I've never seen these three gorgeous before." Darren whispered said with a grin ear to ear.

"Hmm... seems like I've seen them in biology class before." Simon tried to recall his memory.

"Oh, dude! Why didn't you tell me that you met these beautiful girls with me?" Darren's face was excited.

"You're such a naughty! I just saw them pass by. I don't know them personally."

"Oh, be bad luck! If I were you, I would hurry to get to know them right away. Hehe."

"This guy for real simp!"

"Hehe. You know it."

"Why would they have a pendant like the one symbol in that book? It's strange..." Simon accidentally mumbled spitting out his suspicion about them wearing strange necklaces.

"What?" Darren was not heard clearly. So he turned to look at him.

"Uhm...I mean, why haven't I seen them around campus?" Simon lies. He did not want to disrupt the atmosphere of the meeting.

"Ha! Now you can't say I'm only a simp, dude."


The meeting continued, with Caroline explaining when and where it would take place tomorrow through a slideshow she had prepared. She also gave a detailed description of the ceremonies and procedures for this activity. She stood speaking for almost half an hour with no signs of being tired. The club members listened intently without objection.

"Alright. Our first half of the meeting is over. Let's take a break for three minutes before we begin the second half of the meeting."

Caroline let all the members take care of personal matters. When everyone gets a rest signal. They all walked out of the meeting room quickly.

"Do you go to the bathroom? I thought I'd go and wash my face. I'm very sleepy." Darren asked Simon with a look on his face as if he wanted to jump into bed and go to sleep.

"What a really good adviser. Hahaha," Simon teases the irony of his friend.

"I'm not denying at all that Carol is a good speaker. But my brain can't take in such large amounts of information."

"You got this position because of luck! Anyway, go to the bathroom and washing face a bit. It's good."

"Yeah...Let's go!"

They went to the bathroom. They freshen up their faces a bit. Simon sees that now there is only him and Darren in the bathroom. So he began to reveal what he saw with his eyes at the meeting.

"Hey, Darren. Do you remember the symbol in the book we read before the meeting?"


"You remember me mumbling and replying to you about why I didn't see those girls who were new members of the club around campus, right?"

"Yeah...and why?"

"I'm lying."


"I would say..."

Simon turned left and right to see if anyone was around. Seeing that there was no one, he moved closer to Darren and whispered. "I saw that symbol in the book on their necks."

Darren was momentarily stunned. "Har-Har. You are such a funny person." He thought his friend was joking.

"I'm not kidding. I swear. I saw the symbol of light on their necks for real!"

"You didn't say that to fool me, did you?"

"No, I'm telling the truth! If you don't believe me, you can wait and see it."

Simon's face was too serious. Darren still half believes half does not believe. He still thinks that his friend is playing pranks on him.

"Okay...I hope you won't fool me." Darren will try it.


They are ready for the second half of the meeting. They walked out of the bathroom with fresh expressions on their faces. On the other hand, their minds were filled with turbulent doubts. Simon wonders about the origins of the girls' necklaces which are like symbols in the book. Darren wonders if he's being pranked by his friends.

They were suddenly stopped when they saw three girls who were new members standing in front of them.

"Uhm...Uhh...Hi there," Simon greeted them with a face as if he had seen a ghost.

"Oh! You guys are new members of our club, right? I am the club's adviser named Darren. Nice to meet you gorgeous guys." Darren introduced himself with a cheerful expression that he had almost forgotten what Simon had told him.

But this guy already being a naughty person. His gaze landed on their chest automatically. It was then that he discovered the truth that his friends were not playing pranks on him. These girls wore a necklace with a pendant of a yellow sun splashing sunlight.

"Oh...Shit!" Darren even got goosebumps.

"HEY! Don't be rude, big boy!" Sylvia frowned and crossed her arms when she heard that.

"Do you have any problems, Mr. Adviser?" Julie asked with a frown too.

Simon saw bad posture. He decided rushs over to help his friend. "Umm...excuse me, ladies. My friend, he's not feeling well. Maybe he's acting weird sometime." He said.

"Ughhhh..." Darren's face was puzzled and he didn't act right.

"Right, Darren?" He pursed his mouth, trying to tell his friend to play along.

"Uhh...Yeah. Yep! I feel a little dizzy. Oh...Shit..." He pretended acting to have a headache.

"I apologize on behalf of my friend. Please don't take it upon him." Simon tries to mediate.

"Haha...You guys look weird. I hope we will meet again soon. But now we have to go to a meeting, right?" Alyssa said in a friendly manner.

"Yes yes! We have to go to the meeting now. See you soon and welcome to the Bookworm Club again." Simon said.

The three girls walked away without saying a word. Except for Alyssa, who turned around and blinked her eyes at them as if she was about to convey that she knew what they were thinking.

"What the fuck is that? Does she blink at us?" Darren asked with surprise.

"I guess yes," Simon answered.

"Holy...You didn't lie to me."

"Yes. I told you. I think this must not be a coincidence. the books, their necklaces, and their demeanor."

"Hey, dude. Maybe you and I need to go deep into this matter."

"What do you mean?"

"Where is that book?"

"I hid it on the shelf on the second floor."

"We need to find out what this is from that book. I can't believe that this is beyond my imagination."

"Did you believe what the book tells you?"

"You don't believe it?"

"I don't know. But I think like you."

"Great! See you this evening after the end of the meetings. Now we must hurry back to the meeting before Caroline mad with us."

"Take note!"

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