As Vier indulged in his luxurious surroundings, reclining on the opulent bed with a glass of vintage wine in hand, he seemed lost in a haze of pleasure. His lavish quarters were adorned with exquisite furnishings and adorned with decadent décor, creating an atmosphere of hedonistic indulgence. Arrayed around him were the women, their silken attire a testament to his wealth and power, their laughter mingling with the soft strains of music that filled the room.

Unbeknownst to Vier, however, danger lurked in the shadows, creeping closer with each passing moment. Hunter, Ezekiel, and Casper moved with the precision of trained assassins, their steps silent as whispers as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors of the mansion. With every guard they encountered, they dispatched swiftly and efficiently, leaving no trace of their presence behind.

Hunter, his eyes gleaming with determination, led the trio with calculated precision. His movements were fluid and controlled, his senses honed by
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