Harem Ethics 101
Harem Ethics 101
Author: Z.R. Wake
01. You Look Like You Don't Want to be Here...

“Hey, Bryan,” a feminine, melodic voice said. 

Someone lightly thumped down into the seat next to me in the top row of the university lecture hall. 

Chestnut, straight brown hair framed the soft features of her face and flowed just past her shoulders. Flawless skin. A crimson low-cut tank top showcasing her impressively distracting cleavage. Lean legs encased in tight jeans, and judging by those legs, I’d be willing to bet my life her ass was firm, yet shapely.

I blinked stupidly at her. “Uh, hi?”

The corners of her lips curled into a coy grin, her piercing blue eyes snagging my attention. “You look like you don’t want to be here…”

I’d been fantasizing about cannonballing out the nearby window the past hour to escape yet another rant about the importance of heat expansion when designing a house.

You don’t know the half of it…

“You got me,” I chuckled. Ordinarily I’d be more interested in why a random stranger knew my name, but I decided to make the very dignified decision of putting that aside for now due to this stranger being absurdly beautiful. “Are you a late add to the class? I haven’t seen you around.” 

“No, I’m just auditing…” she said in a hush before offering a delicate hand. “I’m Nikki, by the way.” 

Her warm hand felt so soft in my grip and I couldn’t help but feel a buzz of excitement in my stomach at the way her smooth skin felt against mine.

“You’ve got rough hands,” she observed airily before her attention trailed from our clasped hands up along my arm and chest before returning to my face. 

“Are you sure you don’t just have smooth hands?”

“I’m sure,” she giggled, still not breaking contact. Her face took on a mischievous cast as our eyes locked onto one another’s. Her soft fingers gently tightened and a haze descended on my mind as my thoughts began to slow. “Why don’t you want to be here, Bryan?”

“Everyday is the same and I have barely any time to do anything other than study and go to lectures...” The words were true, but unbidden as they passed my lips without checking in with my brain.

“Why are you here then?”

“To become an architect...”

“Is achieving that goal one day worth the monotony today?”

“I don’t know...”

“Why is it your goal then?”

“Because I’m supposed to be here, but I didn’t know what else to pick…”

“Who told you you're supposed to be here?”

“My family…”

“Do you want to be here?”

“I don’t think so…”

“What would you rather be doing?”



“I want to see and experience new things – to make sure I know what I really want…”

“So… to live?”


A flash of brilliant white teeth showed as a satisfied smile formed. Her thumb rubbed against my hand. From that point of friction, a warm tingle made its way up my arm and into my body. 

Heat sparked in my core, heart thumping and blood pumping as lustful anticipation filled me. 

“Want to get out of here so we can… live a little?”


The bathroom door lock clunked as Nikki switched it into place. She turned to me and leveled her hungry gaze on me, green eyes brimming with desire. 

My cock had fully hardened on our trip from the lecture hall. It strained against my jeans, but for whatever reason, I remained still. 

Her heels clicked against the tile floor as she stepped closer to me. The scent of her subtle, flowery perfume filled my nose as she and her wonderful chest stopped just short of making contact with me. 

She placed a hand on my chest before lazily moving south. “So eager…” Nikki purred.

Truer words had never been spoken. I hadn’t gotten laid in about a year and the pressure that only a good fuck could vent had been building.

Nikki let out a hum of appreciation as she traced the length of my erection. “Hmmm… Over a year…? What a waste.”

The realization that she’d read my mind registered, but it felt dull and unimportant in the face of more immediate concerns. 

Her mouth curved into a vulpine grin. “Do you have a condom?”


“Not on me…”

“I saw a machine next to the door before we came in. It had some… Be quick,” she commanded.

“Be right back…”

Her smile widened with excitement as I turned. A clunk sounded as I unlocked the door and opened it.

A sunny day presiding over what looked to be a town square awaited me on the other side, complete with a cobblestone street, wood buildings, and a large fountain. People bustled by in linens, leathers, and a few were even in metallic armor. 

Nikki’s arms wrapped around me from behind before she melted against me. Her hands ran across my chest and stomach as the side of her face nuzzled affectionately against my shoulder. The softness of her breasts lived up to the hype I’d been building up in my head as they firmly pressed against my back. 

Warmth poured into me from everywhere our bodies connected, making me feel like I’d been submerged in a warm bath. It flowed through me, leaving behind an afterglow of vitality in its wake… 

My teeth clenched and a hiss of agony escaped me when the pleasant warmth suddenly turned to scalding heat before converging inside my chest. It was as though my heart had been swapped out with a chunk of molten metal, which then began to pump lava into my veins. 

Then as suddenly as it had come upon me, the pain vanished, leaving behind only the shuddering aftershocks of its memory, and baffled confusion..

“I hope we meet again,” Nikki whispered as she released me and planted a hand on my back. 

I stumbled forward from the surprising force with which she shoved me and spun around. 

She offered me one last coy grin in farewell.

The door groaned closed, now appearing to be nothing more than a wooden door made from solid, rough planks. 

Seconds ticked by and brain fog that’d dulled my senses since meeting Nikki cleared.  

With the stupefying haze gone, my situation came into focus. 

My guts twisted with dread as I felt eyes on me. The lapping of water in the fountain was all to be heard in the overwhelming silence. I turned towards the town square and was met with horrified eyes. 

I offered a sheepish wave, hard on vanishing as quickly as it had come with the hostile gazes on me. “Uh… Hello?”

A woman in the crowd replied with a terrified scream, and almost as though she were an air siren warning of an incoming invasion, panic spread like wildfire through the town square. 

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