Odd Pince 3.6
The temperature was high, scorching if one wasn't careful the skin would blister any dry paper would combust after a few minutes if not wrapped and hidden properly from the sun. The temperature was 172.5F, one of the lowest temperatures in Vallis Mortis, a desert known to have killed millions and other that weren't recorded, it's sands hold many skeletons within. But for two figures covered in head to tow with robes, it looked like they were taking a leisure walk through a garden. The taller figure held a beautiful white umbrella with blue crystals decorating the ends, it was wide and large, able to shade both of them. The blue crystals gave off a cooling affect, even if it was blazing hot it was comfortable within the umbrella. They walked steady, without hurry to their current destination, behind them a horse which kept his eyes to the front, not at all phased by the sun even though it's coat was entire black. In fact it even looked a bit energetic as its head would sometimes look ba
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