Episode 19

"so what's new on that part" Winter asked

"Well, they couldn't get a clearer picture of her face, I don't know how far jack has gone either" Ellie replied.

"Well, did they try the store across?" Winter asked.

"The store?"

"Well, if the CCTV couldn't get a clearer footage of her face....

"The store would have" they completed simultaneously as Ellie.

"I know I'm smart "

"Of course you are" Ellie smiled happy as she took out her phone and dialled Cicely's line immediately but there was no response. She tried again and it was the same.

"A little adventure?" Winter asked.

"I don't want to get into trouble with Nina, winter"

"She doesn't have to know" winter groaned.

"It's boring staying at home"

"You should have gotten a job" Ellie laughed.

"So the adventure it is" winter winked as Ellie grabbed her jacket. They rushed out immediately probably without thinking their plan through.

"There's surely a CCTV" Ellie smiled happily as she looked around.

"Wait! How are we supposed to get it. We'r
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