Episode 21

"how'd you like them apples now!" Winter yelled

"I prefer mangoes actually" Clara hissed. They had finished a round of video gaming in Clara's room.

"You guys gon' sit around all day?" Ellie walked in all dressed for work.

"We're hungry" winter spoke up.

"You always hungry" Clara rolled her eyes. The court case had gone well and Clara was freed but the case of Mr James Cavendish's death was closed yet, they had to find the killer, and Clara had to find who set her up.

"You coming home earlier tonight?" Clara asked.

"Yeah why?"

"Don't conclude, Tyler might have plans" she said and Ellie could feel her cheeks heating up.

"So you guys did have something while I suffered in jail"

"Did you really suffer?" Ellie scoffed.

"I'm off guys, you going job hunting for winter?"

"She's not so sure she's ready to work" Clara smiled

"Hey! I'm right here. Yes we are" Winter spoke.



"Hey" Tyler smiled as she walked in

"Hey" Ellie smiled.

"It just feels right to see you smile" Tyler hugged her.

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