Chapter 64. Vannesa is alive?
The entire dark cave lit up in blue hue, making them realize certain markings on the walls of the cave.

Benjamin was very taken aback by the new scenery in the cave. "But Caleb, how is any of this explaining how you are standing here? If I remember clearly, your thighs were stabbed two times. Even your ribs where broken."

" Hahaha. Yes it used to. Turns out the river doesn't only heal you Benjamin. It does more than that."

" When my body was carried over to this place, I never knew how long I was stuck in the river but the river started glowing. That's when I no longer felt pain in my stomach. The rocks I swallowed…"

Caleb paused to find Benjamin laughing on the ground.

"Tsk, tsk. You should have seen your face when the warden told you to swallow those rocks. Hahaha"

" Behave kid. Simply, the river healed me."

Benjamin found a glimmer of hope in Caleb's words." Caleb, please help me get Jinx to the river."

After they dipped her in the river, Her body started glowing bright red, then
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