What Happened To Him?

Lights everywhere, Buildings after buildings, car honking one after another, the air feels stuffy and smelled of gasoline. 

The street they are walking on is littered with homeless people, he screwed up his nose as he whiffed the smell of urine. Angus is someone who preferred the countryside so he never visited the city. 

Carry once begged him, even threatened him of suicide just to have their anniversary celebrated in the city, but he declined. There are things he is willing to do and the things he decided not to do are written in stone. No one can force him.

"You look like a fish" Patrick teased, when he saw how Angus kept opening and closing his mouth while scrunching his nose every now and then.

"I feel like I'm about to suffocate" he complained while he falls behind

his two friends.

"Walk faster, we just need to get to the Inn" Ram replied.

"Why do we have to get an Inn in a place like this, can't we go somewhere, I don't

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